RTFANS HVLS large fans and air coolers combo has been successfully installed in a famous basketball arena!
This basketball arena attracts hundreds of players and spectators every day. However, athletes and spectators feel very uncomfortable during the high summer heat period because the indoor temperature is too high. To solve this problem, we offer an innovative solution.
Our RTFANS HVLS fans can circulate the air in the entire basketball hall instantly. It covers a larger area, works better, and is less noisy than traditional small fans. In addition, our air cooler can reduce the indoor temperature for a comfortable experience.

In this basketball hall, we installed several RTFANS HVLS fans and several air coolers to ensure that the indoor temperature is always kept within a comfortable range. You can feel a more refreshing and pleasant environment when playing or watching a game here.

We are proud to be able to provide efficient solutions for this basketball hall so that players and spectators can also enjoy a high-quality experience in the summer. If you also need a similar solution, the RTFANS HVLS fan and air cooler will be your best choice!